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Impact of the pandemic on education – 4 main trends

Corporate education does not exist in a vacuum and depends on general trends. The pandemic has had a tangible impact on the structure and organization of learning that we are currently working with. So, there are four main trends.
The pandemic has gained momentum since last March and acted as an accelerator of digital transformation. With the ban on face-to-face interaction, we have faced a choice: either we start learning and teaching remotely or this is where learning ends and our interaction is paused. This prompted everyone to move on to discuss the need for educational innovation.

Corporate education does not exist in a vacuum and depends on general trends. The pandemic has had a tangible impact on the structure and organization of learning that we are currently working with. So, there are four main trends:
The first trend is professional development.
Promoted by the events that took place during the past year, our borders have expanded. Now companies can hire the best employees around the world, without being tied to a specific location. This means more competition for every job. However, the competition is also growing in the opposite direction – for each professional specialist.
The second trend is the self-made model.
Relations between employees and enterprises have become freer. Enterprises no longer tie employees to the workplace. There are partnership and project models of cooperation. As a result, we come to the following educational model: the employee takes responsibility for his education, development, goals, and achievements. And the employee begins to independently manage the educational process.
The third trend is the changing role of corporate universities.
This role is aimed at personalizing the process. It is necessary to help employees understand what their strengths and weaknesses are, what specialization to choose, where to go, how much it will cost, and how long it will take to achieve results. The corporate university no longer acts as a content creator and becomes more of a recipient that can find better practices and solutions, thus helping each employee build their system of individual development.
The fourth trend is competition in the education market.
It is exacerbated by a large amount of money flowing into the education market. The status of the teacher becomes very important. We hope that shortly this profession will become truly prestigious and people will strive to get it.
The biggest mistake you can make is to completely replace in-person classes with distance learning. This will not bring the desired results, but rather worsen them. So, we need fundamentally different technologies for interacting with the audience.
But understanding that you can study remotely or not study at all helps you get out of the usual learning models. Everything that is happening now in corporate education is a global rethinking of the system. All the excess gradually goes away, as in any crisis. It gradually falls away as something useless since there is no energy, no time, and no money left for unnecessary things.
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